Attentat Belgique : l'expertise de l'EGE dans le quotidien International Business Times
Suite aux attentas survenus à Bruxelles, l’International Business Times a sollicité l’Ecole de Guerre Economique pour son expertise en matière de terrorisme et de renseignement. L'EGE a publié récemment un Rapport d'alerte "La France peut-elle vaincre Daech sur le terrain de la guerre de l’information?" sous la direction de Christian Harbulot, directeur de l’EGE et expert international en intelligence économique.
Brussels Airport And Metro Bombings: Could EU Intelligence Sharing Have Stopped Belgian Terror Attacks?
As citizens of Brussels grappled with the aftermath of a deadly terror attack Tuesday, security and defense experts looked closely at what made the Belgian capital, which has been on high security alert for months, susceptible to the fatal explosions. The latest attack on a European capital city came just one day after French and Belgian officials met to affirm their dedication to working together to fight extremism as terror threats spread in Western Europe.
But security experts said unless the European Union fixes the apparent dearth of intelligence-sharing among its member countries, the continent's major cities will continue to be exposed to similar attacks in the future.
“This is a classical case where we see the importance of intelligence cooperation not just internally but externally,” said Eelco Kessels, London Office director and senior analyst for the Global Center on Cooperative Security, a security consultancy. "The most headway on this front is still made by bilateral or multilateral cooperation between countries.”
European nations have often been unwilling to freely share intelligence with one another unless there is the promise of getting something in return, Kessels added. This back-scratching approach to intelligence across European borders, he said, has slowed progress in fighting terrorism in the EU.
“We have, in effect, no European intelligence system, but we do have a Europe that with the Schengen agreement has erased national borders,” said Christian Harbulot, the director of the Ecole de Guerre Economique, a French institution of higher learning focusing on business and security. “It’s a contradiction.”
Articles liés
- Le rapport d'alerte de l’EGE dans le dossier d’InfoExpoprotection consacré à la lutte contre le terrorisme
- International Business Times